Cynthia Barlow Marrs SGFA

Portfolio: • Sketchbook Towns and interiors

16 November 2021 Jab Joy No. 3 at the vaccination centre

16 November 2021 Jab Joy No. 3 at the vaccination centre

Two days ago I offered an arm for my Covid-19 vaccine booster jab, and as I waited out the 15-minute grace period afterwards, I sketched one of the vaccination centre volunteers and, in the background, the paramedic who gave me my jab. I asked him how many vaccinations he administers in a day — the answer was 70 — and whether this mass vaccination work invades his dreams. He laughed and said he reckoned he could almost do it in his sleep.

Truly the National Health Service is our greatest national treasure. We are so thankful to the NHS, and to all of the volunteers who make the Covid-19 vaccination programme happen.

Pen on Paper
15cm x 20cm